Přidat odpověď
od roku 2016 je eutanázie v Kanadě legální, ale bylo to definované jako pro lidi, kde je blízká vyhlídka úmrtí. Od roku 2021 je to i pro lidi, kteří se "neblíží smrti".
Mluví se o tom (třeba mezi experty na lidská práva v UN), že ten zákon nemá dostatečné ochrany proti zneužití a proti tomu, aby se zabíjeli lidi zbytečně, a že nutí doktory nabízet eutanázii i lidem, kteří jí nezvažují.
The intensity and breadth of Canada""s MAiD program has led to condemnation of its program by UN human rights experts and disability rights groups in Canada.[2] It has also been the subject of substantial international attention and criticism.[3][4][5] Human rights advocates have criticized Canada""s euthanasia laws for lacking safeguards, devaluing the lives of disabled people, prompting health workers and doctors to suggest euthanasia to people who would not otherwise consider it, and killing people who were not receiving adequate government support to continue living.[2] In 2023, four medical specialists concluded in a study that "The Canadian MAiD regime is lacking the safeguards, data collection, and oversight necessary to protect Canadians against premature death."