Přidat odpověď
Jájo, "posilování plic" je náhodou letité lékačské doporučení, viz zde text z roku 1894:
When is crying useful?
In the newly born infant the cry expands the lungs, and it is necessary that it should be repeated for a few minutes every day in order to keep them well expanded.
How much crying is normal for a very young baby?
From fifteen to thirty minutes a day.
What is the nature of this cry?
It is loud and strong. Infants get red in the face with it; in fact, it is a scream. This is necessary for health. It is the baby""s exercise.
Tedy tvrdí, že křik pro dítě je nezbytný pro rozvíjení plic, a že dítě by mělo denně ječet tak, aby bylo rudé v obličeji, alespoň několik minut denně, aby mu nesplaskly.