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Vyberu jen malou část článku, která se objevuje u vícero norských kauz:

"It appears that the boy weighed 3590 grams when he was born on September 25, 2008.

The lowest recorded weight the baby had was weighing at a health station on October 6. Then he weighed 3170 grams.

The weight loss was 11.7 percent, some midwife, in her testimony in court, said "was not alarming" as a 10 percent weight loss after birth is considered normal.

Then the weight card from the health service shows that the boy""s weight increased.

On October 10, the boy weighed 3230 grams and on October 13 the weight showed 3330 grams.

“In the period up to 13.10, Mother had the child with him and was the one who fed him. The fact that the child""s weight must have increased during mother""s solitary care and feeding on Vilde is not mentioned in the report, ”Drammen District Court pointed out.
The child was not weighed when it was taken away on October 17, but the weight chart shows that the child on October 23 weighed 3850 grams, which is well above the birth weight.

"In Wilde""s report of 23.10, it is stated that mother failed the child very seriously even in the most elementary areas such as breastfeeding, childcare, safeguarding the child and in relation to psychosocial interaction," cited the district court, which did not rely on the assessments of the nursing home. and child welfare."

"The district court ruled that Trude should return to care for the son, but the boy was never returned. Later, the Court of Appeal came to the opposite conclusion, and in 2012, the Norwegian judicial system decided that the foster parents should be allowed to adopt the boy."


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