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Hranice má zavřené mnoho států, aktuálně 21 států z 26 v Schengenu, např. Celá EU má uzavřené hranice pro cizince, USA a mnoho dalších států taky.

Tady je přehled zemí EU a jaké mají restrikce v dopravě: https://ec.europa.eu/transport/coronavirus-response_en

17.3. "EU Leaders agreed to temporary restriction of non-essential travel from third countries into the EU area for 30 days."

17.3. "Only 5 countries in the Schengen Area – Belgium, Iceland, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg – have not announced any move regarding border closure. In contrast, 21 out of the total 26 Schengen Member States have already introduced borders and banned entry for foreigners. Austria has closed its borders with Italy, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Germany as well has only partially closed borders with France, Austria and Switzerland, Luxembourg and Denmark.
At the same time, Portugal has partially closed its borders with Spain, as well, and Switzerland has closed its borders with Germany, Austria and France.
Greece, on the other hand, has closed its external land Schengen borders with Albania and North Macedonia, while Finland has announced all its borders will be closed as of March 18.
The French President Emanuel Macron said yesterday all Schengen Border would close today by noon, including all French borders, a few hours after Estonia officially closed all its borders.
As of today, the Czech Republic is under quarantine, after Italy has been quarantined since March 9. The other countries – Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain have sealed their borders.



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