20.5.2011 10:15:35 Baba Jaga
Re: Bolest v krku - je na vině klimatizace?
Klimatizace vysušuje fakt hodně, třeba by ti ten zvlhčovač pomohl. Otázka je, jestli by se to nestihlo hned zase odvlhčit. Jsem to teď trošku dohledala, a asi to bude fakt tím.
Air conditioning itself may contribute to infection with common cold viruses. The lining of the nose is covered with a thin layer of mucus which protects against infection. Since air conditioners extract moisture from the air they may cause some drying of the protective mucous blanket in the nose and predispose to infection. The cold air may also help viruses to establish a hold in the nose as they reproduce better in a cold nose.